
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Creative Spark Talk Analysis Essay Example for Free

Creative Spark Talk Analysis EssayWhat pay backs you as a person? Who do you say that you are? These are questions that are often demanding to answer beca office we have yet to extrapolate or realize who we are as a person. Many magazines those questions are answered with a business organization title or a characteristic like I am a mom, a lawyer, or a caring person. But what truly defines you? Within this paper, we are going to look at Debra Jarvis apologue about how she chose to claim her experience and non allow it to define her. Debra like many women around the humanness has heard the dreaded C word, cancer, and was gripped by fear. One of the first stages of creative thinking is search for the challenges. The essence of creativity is meeting challenges in an imaginative, original, and effective way. (Ruggiero, 2012) In Debras situation she did not have to search for the challenges the problems was evident. However, not all challenges are obvious challenges they will require critical thinking to discover. Sometimes the problems and issues are so small or subtle that they are not always noticeable. (Ruggiero, 2012) The challenge for Debra was not succumbing to pressure of identifying herself-importance as a victim of cancer.The second stage of creativity expressing the problem or issue, was one that was not hard for Debra. The objective of this stage is to lift the best expression of the problem or issue, the one that will number the most helpful ideas. Debras diagnosis of breast cancer was a shock to many. She was bombarded with all types of questions and statements like, Youre a Chaplin, you should be immune to cancer or Now you are really going to find out what is important. These statements were the very catalyst that pushed Debra to embrace her concept of not allowing cancer to define her identity. smelling faith, finding your identity and strengths in the midst of chaos, brings one to the realization that the most important things are not things but relationships. (Ted Talk, 2014) The third stage of creativity is investigating the problem or issue. The third stage is necessary to deal with the problem or issue effectively. In some cases, this will mean merely searching your past experiences and observations for appropriate material and bringing it to bear on the current problem. (Ruggiero, 2012)During the fourth stage, we begin to vex ideas. The objective is to generate enough ideas to decide what action to take or whatbelief to embrace. (Ruggiero, 2012) Debra was able to assume the option to have a mastectomy and then put in a saline implant. Debras use of creativity allowed her to define what her experience meant, and that meaning can be quiet or introverted. What the experience promoter today can change years from now. Most people have a hard time adopting their imagination, not because they lack imagination, but because they fear the reaction their ideas will receive. Debra embraces her imagination by mov ing from victim to victor. She chose to not become trapped by the negative stigma of cancer but evolve and tract with the world on how to overcome.Debras choice to process her feelings instead of feeding them allows her to satisfy the curiosity of lustiness to be different. Instead of walking in the annual cancer walks, buying the keychain, shirts, and other cancer subsister symbolic items she processes it uniquely. Debra expresses, that with any resurrection you must die first. (Ted Talk, 2014) The Ted talk made several points that allow me to look at personal traumas as victorious instead of being the victim.Debras story was an eye opener on how so many survivors within our society have embraced the trauma as their identity, instead of claiming the experience. Debras framework of the resurrection and one dying first and embracing the tomb as a place to do our unintelligible inner work to allow ourselves healing was a defining moment for me. We have to let the crucified self d ie so the truer story can evolve. The message of claiming your experience and not allowing it to claim or define you was the key message of her Ted talk. If there were no survivors, it would be an end to being trapped in our wombs.ReferencesRuggiero, V. R. (2012). The artistic creation of Thinking (10th ed.). New York, NY Pearson. Ted Talk. (2014). Yes, I Survived Cancer but that doesnt define me. Retrieved from http//ted.com/talks/debra_jarvis_yes_i_survived_cancer_but_that _doesnt _define_met-253086

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